Lake Information


Acreage: 34

Recreational Amenities

Boat Fishing? Unlimited HP, No Wake

Boat Ramps? Yes

Boat Rental? No

Skiing? No

Swimming? No

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Maps are not intended for navigation.

There are no zebra mussels in this lake.

Fishing Outlook  ( Full PDF Report )

Click here for a list of all reports.



Fish Status



The Spring 2023 survey resulted in a total of 44 Bluegill collected ranging from 2.8 in to 7.8 in, with 43 of those fish > 3.0 in. Average length was 5.0 in. Overall, the catch rate of Bluegill was not great given the large influx of fish that have been stocked within the past 4 years. Size structure was passable with a PSD falling on the low end of the target range. Body condition was poor, and no Preferred sized fish were collected.



Channel catfish are stocked on a rotational basis to augment the population as natural reproduction and recruitment are suspected to be low. Harvestable-size Channel Catfish are likely removed as they are caught. Fishing Regulation: 6 Fish Daily Harvest Limit.



The Spring 2023 survey resulted in a total of 2 Black Crappie collected measuring 9.4 in and 9.9 in. White Crappie were not collected. Electrofishing is not a standard gear at evaluating Black Crappie fisheries and a Fall trap netting survey would be more appropriate (however, may be difficult given the morphometry of the lake). Fishing Regulation: 10 Fish Daily Harvest Limit.



The Spring 2023 survey resulted in a total of 37 Largemouth Bass being collected ranging from 6.4 in to 22.4 in, with 33 of those fish > 8.0 in. Average length was 11.5 in. While below the target, CPUE was still fairly good for such clear and steep sided waterbody. A good number of fish > Stock size was collected, albeit below the target threshold. The size structure also wasn’t terrible considering that 5 Preferred and 1 Memorable sized fish were collected. Body condition was poor, suggesting a forage bottleneck taking place. Fishing Regulation: 15-inch Minimum Length Limit (3 Fish Daily Harvest Limit).



A total of 24 Redear Sunfish were collected ranging from 3.5 in to 9.5 in, with 23 of those fish > Stock size 4.0. Average length was 7.1 in. Given the extensive stocking that occurred in 2019, I would have expected more Redear Sunfish to be present. That said, size structure was quite good (PSD-Q of 48 and PSD-P of 2) though overall numbers were undesirable. Body condition as good for all size groups.



The Spring 2023 survey resulted in a total of 4 Yellow Bullhead collected ranging from 8.8 in to 9.3 in, with 4 of those fish > 6.0 in. Average length was 9.1 in. PSD was 100 and PSD-P was 50.

Location: Eagle Lake is located within the Mazonia State Fish and Wildlife Area South Unit, 2 miles northeast of South Wilmington in Kankakee County off West 5000 Road.

Description: Eagle Lake is a moderate-sized impoundment within the Mazonia complex, covering 34.1 surface acres with depths to 50 feet. It is isolated from all other water areas. Eagle Lake is extremely clear and very low in fertility. This lack of fertility impacts the fish population. Anglers are permitted to use boats powered by gasoline engines with an unlimited horsepower restriction. A no-wake regulation is in effect. A single lane unimproved gravel ramp serves as boat access. Shoreline access is very limited.

History and Status of the Sport Fishery: Eagle Lake is surveyed on a regular basis with boat electrofishing equipment. Fish stocking has included Channel Catfish, Bluegill, and Redear Sunfish. A Brown Trout stocking program was attempted, but terminated due to poor results.

No special mercury advisory or other contaminant-related consumption advisories pertain. However, the statewide methylmercury advisory for sensitive populations is in effect (one meal per week of predatory sportfish for the most sensitive populations)

Additional Lake Information: Two pole and line fishing only, all other statewide regulations apply. Swimming is prohibited. Trolling motor only, except Monster and Ponderosa Lake, which allow gasoline outboards (no wake). With the exception of Monster Lake (which is open year-round), the remainder of the South Unit lakes and ponds close 10 days prior to the opening of the Central Zone Duck Season and reopen (7-days a week) after the season ends.

Additional Site-Specific fishing regulations:
All Fish Species: 2 Pole and Line Fishing Only
Large or Smallmouth Bass: 15-inch Minimum Length Limit (3 Fish Daily Harvest Limit)
Black, White, or Hybrid Crappie: 10 Fish Daily Harvest Limit
Channel Catfish: 6 Fish Daily Harvest Limit

Contact Information:
Mazonia/Braidwood State Fish & Wildlife Area
IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Seth Love