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Lake Information

County: Kane

Acreage: 7

Average Depth: 0.00 feet

Recreational Amenities

Boat Fishing? No

Boat Ramps? No

Boat Rental? No

Skiing? No

Swimming? No

Picnicking? No

Camping? No

Maps are not intended for navigation.

There are no zebra mussels in this lake.

Fishing Outlook  ( Full PDF Report )

Click here for a list of all reports.



Fish Status



Bluegill were captured at a rate of 444 fish per hour Bluegill ranged in length from 2.0 to 6.6 inches, with an average size of 4.5 inches. Only one bluegill measured longer than six inches (the length considered harvestable). The bluegill population would benefit from harvest of small (less than six inch) bluegill.



CCommon Carp were abundant during this survey, like in 2016. Twenty-two Common Carp were captured in the most recent survey. They ranged in size from 17.0 to 19.4 inches, averaging 18.1 inches. The heaviest one weighed 3.7 pounds. Common carp are very abundant in this pond and unlimited harvest is encouraged for this detrimental species.



No Channel Catfish were captured in this survey. This pond is scheduled to receive Channel Catfish every other year from the IDNR’s catfish stocking program. Channel catfish are difficult to sample with our electrofishing gear as they are typically using deeper habitat than we sample. Since catfish stocking began in 2012, there should be plenty of large Channel Cats swimming in Turnstone Pond.



In our 2020 electrofishing survey, we captured Largemouth Bass at a rate of 114 fish per hour. This is higher than the 60 fish per hour, considered to be a healthy abundance measure. The average bass was 12.7 inches long and size ranged from 2.8 to 18.2 inches. Multiple sizes (year classes) indicate successful reproduction in this lake with no need for supplemental stocking. Abundant forage species (gizzard shad, bluegill, black crappie and golden shiner) keep the bass in this lake well fed healthy.

Location: Turnstone Pond is located on the west side of Aurora in Kane County. From Orchard Road, head east on West Galena Road, turn south (right) on South Constitution Drive and then right on Wynwood Lane. Park on the street to enter the park the left side of Wynwood.

Description: Turnstone Pond is a 7.3 acre dug retention pond with a maximum depth of 10 feet. The lake is owned and maintained by the Fox Valley Park District (FVPD) as a community park in a residential setting. Flow-through from adjacent storm sewers can make water levels fluctuate. The shoreline is mowed in several areas to allow access for shore fishing. The pond has two basins connected by a shallow channel. The south basin of the pond is open for public fishing while the north end is bordered by a school and a church.

History and Status of the Sport Fishery: The FVPD has entered into a cooperative management agreement with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to facilitate fisheries management activities. Site specific regulations apply (Six fish daily creel on channel catfish and a three fish, 15 inch minimum length limit on largemouth bass). A 20-minute electrofishing survey took place on September 15th, 2020.

Abundant largemouth bass and bluegill should offer anglers plenty of action in this suburban park. Population indices for both species were similar to the 2016 survey. High numbers of common carp and gizzard shad are present.

Contact Information:
Fox Valley Park District
IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Andy Plauck
815-675-2386 ext. 214