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Lake Information

County: LAKE

Acreage: 23

Average Depth: 13.81 feet

Shoreline Length: 0.9 miles

Recreational Amenities

Boat Fishing? No boats

Boat Ramps? No

Boat Rental? No

Skiing? No

Swimming? No

There are no zebra mussels in this lake.

Fishing Outlook  ( Full PDF Report )

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Fish Status



In 2017, bluegill collected while sampling ranged from 1.8” to 6.5” long. Only 1.5% of the sample exceeded 6”. The lack of vegetation and clear water makes this lake difficult for bluegill who grow. Bluegill grow fastest in fertile systems with lots of invertebrates and a reasonable amount of aquatic vegetation.



In 2017, largemouth bass collected measured 4.1” to 16.7" and weighed up to 2.3 pounds. 50% of the bass were >12” and 25% were > 15” (legal length). This size structure will maintain and slowly expand the bass population through natural reproduction.

Location: Lake Carina is located south of the Village of Gurnee, IL, west of I-94 and south of Rt. 21 in Lake County.

Description: Lake Carina is owned by the Lake County Forest Preserve District. It is an old borrow pit first dug in 1957 while Interstate 94 was constructed. The Lake County Forest Preserve District took ownership of the lake and property around it in about 2000. Lake Carina is 22.7 acres; shoreline length 0.9 miles; watershed 45.8 acres (2 to 1); maximum depth 21 feet; average depth 13.8 feet. This is a no-boat lake. Pit toilets and a fishing pier are on the premises.

History and Status of the Sport Fishery: Since Lake Carina is a steep sided lake there are very few issues with aquatic plants, If any, the lack of vegetation is a problem. Lake Carina receives very little stocking attention. The species mix is such that fish reproduce on their own.

Additional Lake Information: No boats allowed. All fish species: Two pole and line fishing only.

Site Regulations:
Largemouth Bass: 15” minimum length limit; 1 fish daily limit

Contact Information:
Lake County Forest Preserve District
IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Andy Plauck
815-675-2386 ext. 214