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Lake Information

County: Franklin

Acreage: 214

Average Depth: 0.00 feet

Recreational Amenities

Boat Fishing? 10hp

Boat Ramps? Yes

Boat Rental? No

Skiing? No

Swimming? No

Picnicking? No

Camping? No

There are no zebra mussels in this lake.

Fish Stocking






Channel Catfish

Advanced Fingerling 4 - 7"


Additional information for stocking on West Frankfort New City Lake

Fishing Outlook  ( Full PDF Report )

Click here for a list of all reports.



Fish Status



Bluegill abundance in West Frankfort New City Lake in 2021 was high, as evidenced by a catch rate of 462 per hour of electrofishing. Quality of these fish was good with 36% larger than 6 inches. Bluegill body condition remained good.


Very Good

Numbers of channel catfish sampled slightly increased in 2021 (56 per hour), and sizes ranged from 12 to 22 inches with very good body condition. The channel catfish population of West Frankfort New City Lake is maintained by supplemental stockings accomplished every other year. Site Regulation: 6 fish daily limit.


Very Good

Largemouth bass were found in West Frankfort New City Lake in slightly lower numbers in spring 2021 (46 were collected per hour of electrofishing), but body condition of these fish was excellent. Eighty three percent were larger than 12 inches, 65 percent were over 15 inches, and 48 percent exceeded 18 inches in length. Population indices met or exceeded the management plan goal for largemouth bass in West Frankfort New City Lake. Site Regulation: 15 inch length limit, 3 fish daily limit.



Good numbers of white crappie (104 per hour) were included in the 2021 West Frankfort New City Lake sample. Average body condition was substandard, an indication of an overcrowded condition relative to the available food supply.



Yellow bass were collected in West Frankfort New City Lake in spring 2021, and these fish compete for food with sunfish and other small predators. In order to reduce the yellow bass population, anglers are encouraged to remove any that are caught.

Location: West Frankfort New City Lake is located approximately 5 miles east of West Frankfort, Illinois and just south of Route 149 in Franklin County.

Description: West Frankfort New City Lake is a 214-acre city-owned impoundment. The lake is mostly surrounded by homes and has an improved boat ramp.

Additional Lake Information: Site Regulations:
Largemouth bass: 15 inch length limit, 3 fish daily limit
Channel catfish: 6 fish daily limit

Contact Information:
IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Luke Nelson

There were 9 tournaments held on this waterbody in 2023.

Species Total Fish Caught
Largemouth Bass 121

Top 5 Largemouth Bass caught on this waterbody in 2023 tournaments:

1     6.56 lbs
2     6.52 lbs
3     6.16 lbs
4     5.47 lbs
5     5.20 lbs

Top 5 Total Tournament Weight of Largemouth Bass caught on this waterbody in 2023 tournaments:

1 87.23 lbs
2 80.25 lbs
3 50.78 lbs
4 35.26 lbs
5 27.05 lbs