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Lake Information

County: Lake

Acreage: 6

Average Depth: 0.00 feet

Recreational Amenities

Boat Ramps? No

Boat Rental? No

Skiing? No

Swimming? No

There are no zebra mussels in this lake.



Fish Status


Very Good

Bluegill were fairly abundant and fish up to 7.3” were detected in our spring survey. The hard substrate and abundant shoreline vegetation provide adequate habitat for bluegill to spawn an thrive and the abundant bass population seems to provide “enough” predation to crop off excess bluegill and allow survivors to grow larger.



Bass collected in our 2021 spring sampling had a catch rate that was well above our goal.The length frequency distribution shows sporadic reproduction, but enough to maintain a fairly nice bass population. The Proportional Stock Density (PSD)is considered balanced between immature and mature fish. Eleven percent of the sample exceeded the legal length limit of 15” long. The bass fishery was in good shape considering there is an ample amount of shore fishing access.

Location: Greenbelt Lake #1 is located 0.5 mile west of Rt. 41 in Greenbelt Forest Preserve.

Description: A diverse plant community provides habitat for small fish and invertebrates, however the lake becomes ringed with vegetation by mid-summer, which discourages angling.

History and Status of the Sport Fishery: Miscellaneous species collected in our sampling include green sunfish, white sucker, gizzard shad, and goldfish. These fish were collected in low numbers and do not constitute significant parts of the fishery. Green sunfish are ubiquitous and very tolerant to poor water quality, but when in the presence of more intolerant species like largemouth bass and bluegill, are not indicators of tough lake conditions. Black and/or white crappie may be more abundant than our data indicates. Crappie are difficult to collect with electrofishing gear and are often underrepresented.

Contact Information:
IDNR District Biologist, Andrew Plauck
(815)675-2386 ext. 214