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Lake Information

County: Jasper

Acreage: 1750

Average Depth: 16.00 feet

Shoreline Length: 52 miles

Recreational Amenities

Boat Fishing? 25hp or less

Boat Ramps? Yes

Boat Rental? No

Skiing? No

Swimming? No

Picnicking? Yes

Camping? No

large map link Cold Water Dam Laws Creek Warm Water

    Click on area names for a more detailed map.
    Cold Water Arm, Dam, Laws Creek Channel,
    Warm Water Arm

Maps are not intended for navigation.

There are no zebra mussels in this lake.

Fish Stocking






Black Crappie

Fingerling 1 - 3"



Black Crappie

Fingerling 1 - 3"



Blacknose Crappie

Advanced Fingerling 4 - 7"


Additional information for stocking on Newton Lake

Fishing Outlook  ( Full PDF Report )

Click here for a list of all reports.



Fish Status



The bluegill population is in extremely poor condition. High summer temperatures (Newton Lake has very little thermal refuge) and a dense population of shad contribute to poor reproduction and slow growth. The majority of the bluegill collected were less than 6” in length and very few bluegill over 7.5” were collected. This lake is not recommended for bluegill fishing.



The size structure of the channel catfish population has improved in recent years. Although still dominated by smaller fish, the population contains an adequate number of large fish to provide a good quality fishery. Approximately 80% of the adult channel catfish in the survey were at least 14” long and 39% exceeded 18” in length. High natural reproduction and recruitment in Newton Lake have historically produced large numbers of channel catfish annually and sampling catch rates in 2023 remained high. Average body condition remained very good. For 2024, catfishing should be good, and the majority of the catfish caught will be 1 – 2 pounds with some larger fish over 5 pounds.



Black crappie population numbers have improved as a result of recent stocking efforts, but catch rates in the 2023 survey decreased from the 2022 survey. Growth rates were good and body condition remained above target. Despite the relatively low numbers, some anglers successfully target crappie each year and consistently catch limits. Blacknose crappie are also present in the lake as a result of 2019, 2021, and 2023 stockings. A small remnant population of white crappie still exists in the lake, but only three were collected in the 2023 survey.


Very Good

The overall size structure of the bass population collected in Newton Lake remained fairly stable from 2022 to 2023. The percentage of adult bass in the 12” – 15” range decreased from 34% in 2022 to 32% in 2023, while the percentage in the 15” – 20” size class improved from 37% to 38%. The percentage of adult bass greater than the 18" minimum length limit decreased to 10% of the sample. The electrofishing catch rate increased to 314 bass per hour and all size structure indices met their target goals. This lake continues to support a very good bass population. However, the fishery is slowly beginning to show signs of change. Recent changes to the operation of the coal fired power plant have significantly reduced the amount of hot water discharged into the lake. This has resulted in a reduced growing season, and a shorter spawning season for prey species, especially gizzard shad. In short, it is transitioning from a cooling lake to an ambient lake. However, bass recruitment continues to be high, body condition is good, and growth rates remain at, or above, average. For 2024, Newton Lake will provide very good angling opportunities. Anglers can expect to catch large numbers of fish from 14” – 20” in length ranging from 1.25 – 5 pounds. The majority of bass exceeding the 18” minimum should weigh 3.5 pounds or greater.


Very Good

The white bass population has successfully recruited each year since they were first discovered in 1994. With few exceptions, their numbers have remained relatively constant. However, the electrofishing and netting catch rates increased in 2021 and electrofishing catch rates increased again in 2022. The catch rates in 2023 decreased to rates more consistent with long-term trends. The population continues to exhibit good growth rates and body condition. One large size class of fish will contribute to most of the fishery in 2024. Most of these fish will range from 13” – 16” with larger fish up to 17”. Fish the main lake points or troll the flats to locate fish and then cast to schools.

Location: Newton Lake is located in Jasper County, approximately 6 miles southwest of Newton, Illinois and 18 miles southeast of Effingham, Illinois.

Description: Newton Lake is a cooling reservoir owned by Luminant. It was constructed by Central Illinois Power Company in 1975, and was leased by the IDNR and opened for fishing in 1980. Newton Lake has a surface area of 1,750 acres, an average depth of 16 feet, and a maximum depth of 40 feet. The lake has 52 miles of shoreline and a watershed of 30,720 acres.

History and Status of the Sport Fishery: The sport fishery in Newton Lake is best known for the largemouth bass fishery. Other conventional sport fish include white bass, channel catfish, crappie, and bluegill. The lake also contains large numbers of common carp, threadfin shad, and gizzard shad. Newton Lake is open year-round* with the best fishing opportunities from fall through spring. The fish population is surveyed annually.

Additional Lake Information: Two pole and line fishing only. Newton Lake is closed to fishing during the 7 days of the regular shotgun deer season. The cold arm of the lake is closed daily to fishing during the regular duck and Canada goose seasons from one-half hour before sunrise until 1:00 pm.

Tournaments: Tournaments are prohibited in June, July, and August.

Site Regulations:
Largemouth, Smallmouth or Spotted Bass: 3 fish daily limit; 18" minimum length limit
White, Black or Hybrid Crappie: 10 fish daily limit; 10" minimum length limit
White Bass: Unlimited except no more than 3 fish over 17"

Contact Information:
Newton Lake State Park
IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Boone LaHood

There were 64 tournaments held on this waterbody in 2023.

Species Total Fish Caught
Channel Catfish 88
Largemouth Bass 2448

Top 5 Largemouth Bass caught on this waterbody in 2023 tournaments:

1     8.38 lbs
2     7.49 lbs
3     7.33 lbs
4     7.32 lbs
5     7.24 lbs

Top 5 Total Tournament Weight of Largemouth Bass caught on this waterbody in 2023 tournaments:

1 969.31 lbs
2 346.25 lbs
3 297.26 lbs
4 278.11 lbs
5 268.20 lbs

Multiple day tournaments are listed with * end date.

Interested in participating in one of these public tournaments? Contact us with tournament ID for more information.

2024 Approved or Pending Tournaments
Start Date ID Approval Ramp Location Bank/Boat
Max Boats Species Youth? Open to Public?
September-1525205ApprovedCold Water Side boat
15Largemouth Bass
September-2125695ApprovedCold Water Side boat
20Largemouth Bass
September-2226592ApprovedHot Water Side boat
40Largemouth Bass
September-2825332ApprovedHot Water Side boat
55Largemouth Bass
September-2825575ApprovedCold Water Side boat
15Largemouth Bass
September-2925149ApprovedCold Water Side boat
18Largemouth Bass
October-0525185ApprovedCold Water Side boat
15Largemouth Bass
October-0525339ApprovedHot Water Side boat
55Largemouth Bass
25050ApprovedHot Water Side boat
15Largemouth Bass
October-1225349ApprovedHot Water Side boat
55Largemouth Bass
October-1925353ApprovedHot Water Side boat
55Largemouth Bass
October-2026284ApprovedCold Water Side boat
12Largemouth Bass
October-2626593ApprovedHot Water Side boat
50Largemouth Bass
October-2726186ApprovedCold Water Side boat
10Largemouth Bass