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Lake Information

County: Washington

Acreage: 248

Average Depth: 18.24 feet

Shoreline Length: 14.6 miles

Recreational Amenities

Boat Fishing? 10hp

Boat Ramps? Yes

Boat Rental? Yes

Skiing? No

Swimming? No

Picnicking? Yes

Camping? Yes

larger map link North End Dam

    Click on area names for a more detailed map.
    Dam, North End

Maps are not intended for navigation.

There are no zebra mussels in this lake.

Fish Stocking






Channel Catfish

Non-vulnerable 8 - 10"



Largemouth Bass

Advanced Fingerling 4 - 7"



Channel Catfish

Advanced Fingerling 4 - 7"



Largemouth Bass

Fingerling 1 - 3"


Additional information for stocking on Washington County Lake

Fishing Outlook  ( Full PDF Report )

Click here for a list of all reports.



Fish Status



Bluegill were collected at a rate of 520 fish per hour in the 2021 survey. Although 31% of the Bluegill were over 6 inches, only 6% of the Bluegill were over 7 inches, and none were over 8 inches. Competition for food and resources with the abundant Gizzard Shad population is probably negatively impacting Bluegill size.



Fifteen Channel Catfish ranging from 14 to 27 inches were collected in the 2021 survey. The IDNR stocks this lake annually with Channel Catfish. Site Regulation: 6 fish daily limit.



Fifteen Black Crappie (8-11 inches) and 3 White Crappie (12-14 inches) were collected in the 2021 survey. 60% of the Black Crappie collected were 10 inches or over.



During the 2021 fall electrofishing survey, Largemouth Bass were collected at a rate of 54 fish per hour. The size distribution of Largemouth Bass in this lake is good. Of the 54 bass collected, 39% were over 14 inches, 33% were over 15 inches, and 19% were over 18 inches. Two bass were over 20 inches. The IDNR stocks this lake annually with Largemouth Bass.

Location: Washington County State Recreation Area, 18500 Conservation Drive, is located 4 miles south of Nashville on Route 127.

Description: This scenic 248-acre lake contains a good percentage of woody habitats, which is great for attracting and holding fish. There is a concrete boat ramp and plenty of parking in the blacktopped parking lot. There is also a gravel boat ramp for small watercraft. Shore angler access is available at many areas around the lake and there is a 10 hp limit for boat motors.

History and Status of the Sport Fishery: The IDNR Division of Fisheries has been active in the management of Washington County Lake since it opened in 1962. The lake receives regular stockings of Channel Catfish and Largemouth Bass.

Warmouth, Common Carp, Golden Shiner, Redear Sunfish, Yellow Bullhead, Black Bullhead, Yellow Bass, and Green Sunfish were collected in low numbers during the 2021 survey. Gizzard Shad were collected in high numbers which is expected for a forage species.

Additional Lake Information: There is a 10hp limit for boat motors. 2 pole and line fishing only. Swimming, wading, and waterskiing are prohibited. A map of the 11 Washington County State Lake fish attractor locations can be obtained via the link above.

Concessions: Got-a-Bite is open from 8am-8pm daily from April 1st through October 31st. They offer daily food specials; a variety of beverages; camping supplies; ice; firewood; fishing tackle; bait; kayak, paddle, and Jon boat rentals. For more information, visit them on Facebook or call 618-314-1748.

Site Regulations:
Largemouth bass: 2 fish under 14" and 1 fish over 18" daily limit, 14 – 18" protected slot (no possession)
Channel catfish: 6 fish daily limit
Striped, white or hybrid bass: 3 fish daily limit, 17" minimum length limit

Contact Information:
Washington County State Recreation Area
IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Eric Ratcliff

There were 10 tournaments held on this waterbody in 2023.

Species Total Fish Caught
Largemouth Bass 328

Top 5 Largemouth Bass caught on this waterbody in 2023 tournaments:

1     6.31 lbs
2     5.66 lbs
3     5.52 lbs
4     5.50 lbs
5     5.44 lbs

Top 5 Total Tournament Weight of Largemouth Bass caught on this waterbody in 2023 tournaments:

1 96.27 lbs
2 71.56 lbs
3 63.44 lbs
4 62.63 lbs
5 56.19 lbs