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Lake Information

County: DuPage

Acreage: 16

Average Depth: 0.00 feet

Recreational Amenities

Boat Ramps? No

Boat Rental? No

Skiing? No

Swimming? No

  Trout stocked in fall

  Trout stocked in spring

There are no zebra mussels in this lake.

Fish Stocking






Channel Catfish

Advanced Fingerling 4 - 7"



Channel Catfish

Non-vulnerable 8 - 10"


Additional information for stocking on Pickerel Lake

Fishing Outlook  ( Full PDF Report )

Click here for a list of all reports.



Fish Status



Bluegill catch rate was high at 132 fish per hour. This is right in line of the management goal of 120 Bluegill per hour. Bluegill ranged in length from 3.1 to 6.9 inches, with an average length of 4.7 inches. Nine percent of the catch was longer than six inches. Green Sunfish, Pumpkinseed and Redear Sunfish also contribute to the panfish catch.



Common Carp are abundant in Pickerel Lake. Carp ranged in length from 18.9 to 21.3 inches. Common carp dislodge vegetation and cloud the water with their feeding behavior of “rooting” through the substrate. Unlimited harvest is encouraged for this detrimental species.



Channel Catfish are stocked on an annual basis by IDNR. No Channel Catfish were captured in the 2021 survey, but fish up to 25 inches have been sampled in previous surveys.



The Largemouth Bass population looks as good as it ever has in Pickerel Lake. Bass were caught at a rate of 117 fish per hour with 29% of the catch measuring longer than 15 inches. The Bass ranged in length between 3.0 and 20.9 inches, the heaviest weighing 5.1 pounds. Largemouth over six pounds have been caught in previous surveys. Pickerel Lake has had a consistently good Bass population over the last ten years (three surveys). Management goals are met every survey!



Northern Pike have been stocked in six of the last ten years. Two of the recently stocked fish (14 inches) were sampled in the 2021 survey. Larger Pike typically avoid our electrofishing gear. Legal sized Pike (over 24 inches) have been captured during previous surveys.

Location: Pickerel Lake is located in DuPage County at the Pratt’s Wayne Woods Forest Preserve. Parking is available off Powis Road, one mile south of Stearns Road in Wayne

Description: Pickerel Lake is a 22 acre lake that was dug as part of a mining operation with a maximum depth of 20 feet and an average depth of 12 feet. Pickerel Lake is one of 30 lakes and ponds owned and maintained for sport fishing by the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County (FPDDC). There are two smaller ponds (Catfish and Horsetail Ponds) at this preserve which offer good fishing opportunities. There is good shoreline fishing access available as well as two large handicapped accessible fishing piers on this lake making it a family friendly fishing spot! In 2018, the lake level receded about a foot after a beaver dam washed out in the adjacent wetland. No watercraft allowed.

History and Status of the Sport Fishery: In 1984, the FPDDC entered into a cooperative management agreement with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to facilitate management activities on their lakes and ponds. These waters have been under management by the FPDDC Fishery Ecologist and IDNR to provide quality sport fishing opportunities. Northern Pike and Channel Catfish are regularly stocked to supplement the population. Rainbow Trout are stocked in the spring and fall to coincide with the State’s Catchable Trout Program. An electrofishing survey was conducted on May 4th, 2021. Site specific regulations apply.
Abundant Largemouth Bass and Bluegill should provide many hours of fishing success. Black Crappie, Redear Sunfish, Channel Catfish and Northern Pike add to the diversity of species present. Several riverine species (see additional species) are present in this lake due to connectivity with Brewster Creek during flood events. Bluntnose minnow, Central Mudminnow, Fathead Minnow, Golden Shiner, Quillback Carpsucker, White Sucker and Yellow Bullhead occur in this lake.

Contact Information:
Forest Preserve District of DuPage County
IDNR Fisheries Biologist, Andy Plauck
815-675-2386 ext. 214